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#110 : Il est de retour

Espérant retrouver un ennemi de Bobo qui pourrait détenir des réponses, Dolls et Wynonna vont à la Pinède et tombent sur une secte qui détient un affreux secret.


4.91 - 11 votes

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She Wouldn't Be Gone

Titre VF
Il est de retour

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Un loup monte sur la voiture

Un loup monte sur la voiture

L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) n'est pas rassuré dans la voiture

L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) n'est pas rassuré dans la voiture

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) dans son pickup

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) dans son pickup

Nicole Haught (Katherine Barrell) s'apprête à mettre une contravention

Nicole Haught (Katherine Barrell) s'apprête à mettre une contravention

Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley)

Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley)

Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) discute avec Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) discute avec Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)


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Plus de détails

Scénario : Brendon Yorke
Réalisation : Peter Stebbings

Waverly et Wynonna déboulent au Shorty’s pour parler à Bobo. Quand les sbires de Bobo se rendent compte qu’il s’agit de l’Héritière, tout le monde les menace. Bobo arrive, c’est son bar désormais et il en fait ce qu’il en veut, le contrat est signé et Waverly y travaille toujours. La jeune femme décide de démissionner et comme elle ne veut pas redonner le t-shirt du Shorty’s à Bobo, ce dernier lui arrache son collier grâce à ses pouvoirs. Il s’agit du collier de Willa. Les deux Earp décident de partir, Waverly a hâte que sa sœur se débarrasse de ce tyran.

Au poste, Dolls écoute l’enregistrement du Shorty’s, Waverly a profité de son passage au bar pour poser un micro et elle est contente que ça ait marché.

Une femme essaie de s’enfuir de quelque part et demande un téléphone à une station essence. Lorsque l’homme remarque la marque qu’elle a au visage, il la prit de partir. Un loup arrive et dévore la jeune femme sous le regard horrifié du vendeur.

Waverly s’amuse à écouter ce qui se passe mais ils ne parlent que de bières. Wynonna et Dolls discutent de leur côté, c’était risqué de se rendre au bar que toutes les deux, Wynonna s’excuse de ne pas lui avoir dit qu’il avait des pouvoirs de télékinésie tandis que Dolls s’excuse de ne pas les avoir accompagnés. Ils réfléchissent au prochain plan de Bobo maintenant que Constance ne peut plus l’aider.

Au bar, les Revenants commencent à s’inquiéter, Wynonna a réussi à éliminer les Sept. Cal se précipite dans le bar, Lou est de retour, il a vu cette jeune femme se faire dévorer par le loup. Bobo s’énerve à l’entente de ce nom et leur promet le même châtiment que Levi s’ils en parlent à nouveau. Alors que Bobo s’en prend à ce Cal, un grésillement puissant se fait entendre, la couronne de Cal capte les fréquences radio du mouchard installé par Waverly. Ils sont grillés. Bobo prend le mouchard et laisse un message à Dolls : Doc Holliday et Wynonna Earp se sont envoyés en l’air.

Dans les locaux des Black Badges, Wynonna essaie de changer de sujet vis à vis de Doc en se concentrant sur ce Lou mais ça ne fonctionne pas comme elle le voudrait et Dolls le ramène sur le tapis avant de partir.

Waverly de son côté, fait semblant de prendre des notes lorsque Nicole l’entraîne dans le bureau de Nedley. Elles sont interrompues par Wynonna qui arrive au moment où elles allaient s’embrasser et se séparent en tentant de paraître naturelles. Wynonna vient avouer à sa sœur qu’elle a couché avec Doc, si Waverly paraît surprise Nicole elle, l’avait deviné.

Dans l’entrepôt où est retenu Whiskey Jim, Bobo se présente en l’informant que les Black Badges les ont infiltrés et que Jim va devoir lui parler.

Wynonna offre la voiture de Constance à Doc Holliday qui trouve la couleur rose très masculine. Wynonna rigole, à leur époque, c’est plutôt une couleur féminine avant d’avouer à Doc que tout le monde est au courant pour eux deux. Ils sont interrompus par le téléphone de Wynonna qui lui indique que Dolls est en mouvement.

Arrivée devant la voiture de Dolls, elle donne un coup dedans ce qui déclenche l’alarme de sécurité. Dolls sort du bâtiment et assure que personne ici ne lui fera du mal, Wynonna se rapproche de lui, le draguant à moitié avant de le menotter à la portière. Elle compte vérifier par elle-même ce qu’il fabrique. Wynonna découvre Whiskey Jim et tente d’obtenir des informations sur Lou. Lou est l’ennemi de Bobo mais ce dernier a peur de lui et il leur dit que Lou n’est pas apparu depuis des années mais lorsque Wynonna le brûle avec le Peacemaker, il crache très vite le morceau.

De retour au bureau, Wynonna étend des plans mais Dolls est persuadé que Jim leur a menti, il avoue alors qu’il le garde vivant car il doit des comptes à ses supérieurs. Wynonna apprend alors qu’il soupçonne quelqu’un d’être une taupe et lui dit qu’elle a eu peur qu’il soit malade car il disparaissait beaucoup.

Dolls et Wynonna se rendent dans les bois pour trouver Lou, Wynonna lui donne des conseils pour survivre dans la forêt et Dolls lui avoue qu’il a une peur terrible des bois.

A l’Homestead, Doc hésites à réduire la voiture, il ne comprend pas pourquoi Wynonna lui a offert ce cadeau qu’il trouve vexant. Waverly soumet l’idée qu’il pourrait tout simplement apprendre à conduire.

Wynonna et Dolls marchent dans les bois avant de se perdre de vue. Wynonna suit une lumière aveuglante et se réveille dans un endroit inconnu, entourée de jeune femmes qu’elle ne connaît pas. Elle dit s’appeler Courtney et fait la connaissance d’une dénommée Eve alors qu’un certain Yiska arrive. Wynonna commence à trouver l’endroit bizarre lorsqu’on l’oblige à prendre un bain devant tout le monde, elle n’est pas à l’aise.

Eve lui fait visiter les lieux et Wynonna essaie d’en savoir un peu plus, elle avoue qu’elle a l’habitude de tuer les méchants. Deux femmes emmènent Dolls, d’un regard Wynonna lui fait comprendre qu’il ne doit rien dire à son propos.

Wynonna pose d’autres questions à Eve à propos de Yiska et de ce qu’ils ont prévu pour Dolls : il va se retrouver au trou. Eve lui montre son lit et Wynonna découvre un pot de chambre, et lorsque Eve se retourne, Wynonna l’assomme avec avant de s’enfuir. Elle va en direction du trou pour libérer Dolls qui est accroché avec des cordes. Wynonna lui dit ce qu’elle a découvert : Lou se fait appeler Yiska. Cependant, la secte de Lou les attend dehors quand ils sortent et Lou semble content d’entendre le nom de Bobo. Wynonna et Dolls sont emmenés pour le rite de dissolution : ils ont trahi la communauté et ne sont plus les bienvenus. Lou leur fait une marque sur le visage, comme celle que portait la femme qui s’est fait dévorer par le loup un peu plus tôt dans l’épisode. Dans un mouvement désespéré, Wynonna avoue qui elle est mais ça ne fait qu’amuser Lou d’avantage. Après avoir bu une espèce de boisson, Wynonna et Dolls sont cagoulés.

Wynonna se retrouve en ville avec un morceau de papier dans la poche et se rend au bureau des Black Badges pour que Waverly l’aide à chercher des informations sur les noms qui se trouvent sur la liste qu’on lui a laissé. Dolls ne répond pas à son téléphone et toutes les femmes de la liste sont mortes d’une attaque d’animaux sauvages. En ne voyant pas revenir Dolls, Wynonna comprend qu’il a dû être relâché dans les bois, lieux qu’il déteste, elle décide de partir à sa recherche, même si elle a perdu le Peacemaker dans la Pinède.

Alors que Waverly fait part de ses problèmes à Nicole, une annonce parle d’une voiture rose qui fait des embardées sur la route. Waverly comprend qu’il s’agit de la voiture de Doc.

Dolls retourne à sa voiture en criant le nom de Wynonna. Il sort de sa mallette son pistolet à injection et prend une dose de la drogue qui lui permet de rester lui. Il essaie de faire démarrer la voiture mais ça ne fonctionne pas et un loup saute sur le capot de la voiture. Au loin, il voit le Peacemaker qui est accroché à un arbre.

Nicole fait un contrôle à Doc qui roulait beaucoup plus vite que la limitation de vitesse. Imperturbable, elle lui demande son permis, qu’il n’a pas et lui donne alors un PV. Waverly s’approche de la voiture, déçue du comportement de Doc.

Dans les bois, Wynonna cherche Dolls en criant son nom. Son partenaire arrive derrière elle en lui intimidant de se taire sinon le loup va les entendre et lui donne son arme. Alors que Dolls s’apprête à partir en direction de la voiture, Wynonna part en sens inverse, elle veut aller sauver les filles qui sont restées avec Lou.

Waverly ne comprend pas pourquoi Doc voulait partir de la ville, sans un mot qui plus est. Selon lui, sa mission est terminée mais Waverly insiste, Wynonna a besoin de lui. Elle le prix d’essayer mais il décide quand même de partir.

Dans la secte, Eve commence à se rebeller, d’après elle, Lou leur ment sur toute la ligne. Wynonna et Dolls s’approchent de la propriété pour libérer tout le monde. Lou a marqué tout le monde de deux traits, signe qu’elles doivent être dévorées par le loup qui rode. Pendant que Wynonna s’occupe de trouver Lou avec l’aide de Eve, Dolls part mettre en sécurité les autres filles. Alors que Wynonna s’apprête à éliminer Lou, un ours arrive et tape dans le Peacemaker ce qui l’envoie au loin. Wynonna crie à Eve d’aller chercher l’arme alors qu’elle-même est coincée sous l’ours. Le Peacemaker s’illumine dans les mains d’Eve et elle réussit à tirer sur Lou qui retourne en Enfer. Alors qu’Eve ne comprend pas ce qui vient de se passer, mais Wynonna a bien sa petite idée.

Au poste, toutes les filles sauvées défilent une à une tandis que Dolls raconte que Lou utilisait sa première femme pour se protéger depuis des siècles. Wynonna l’écoute à moitié, elle fait une fixette sur Eve, elle est persuadée qu’il s’agit de Willa, sa défunte sœur. Dolls essaie de lui faire comprendre qu’ils ne peuvent en être sûr mais elle en est persuadée.

Wynonna rentre à l’Homestead avec Eve, elle s’apprête à dire à Waverly qui c’est lorsque Gus sort de la maison. Elle lâche sa bière sous le coup de la surprise en prononçant le nom de Willa.


Waverly : Where is he? Where's Bobo? Ow!

Wynonna : Hey! "Ow" is code for "hands off," douche.

Revenant : The Heir!

Wynonna : Lower your guns or I paint these walls revenant brown faster than a bad case of food poisoning.

Bobo : Bloodbaths are bad for business. Jock, show these fine women some hospitality. Girls. What'll you have?

Wynonna : A tall glass of "you're officially next on my hell-bound and down list."

Bobo : You want some ice with that?

Waverly : You stole Gus's bar.

Bobo : No, I paid what she asked for it.

Waverly : This is our stuff.

Bobo : Papers are signed. It's nice to see that we haven't lost our favourite bar wench.

Waverly : Yeah, I quit.

Bobo : I'm gonna need that T-shirt back. Want me to help you peel it off?

Wynonna : Let's go.

Bobo : Wait. Now, you come into my business, draw your weapons and insult me. I'm gonna need a token of apology.

Waverly : That was Willa's.

Bobo : It's mine now.

Waverly : I can't wait for you to shoot him in the face.


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : Zoning out to Drake?

Dolls : This "hotline bling" only features revheads enjoying watered-down beer.

Wynonna : Please, don't try to be cool. It's literally the worst.

Dolls : You were supposed to wait.

Waverly : Are you saying we're in?

Bobo : Those Earp girls may be bangable, but they're a boil on my scrotum.

Waverly : Hey! We're in.



Woman : I'm out. I'm out. I got out. I got out.

Man : Well. Some days, the meat walks right into your lap.

Woman : Do you have a phone? I need a phone.

Man : Come on inside, darlin', sure. You can ring my ding-a-ling. What's that you got there? Jesus. Next gas station's a mile back that way. Get moving. I mean it, girlie. Git!

Woman : Can you just… tell my Mom that I'm sorry I ran off? I was so angry and I was so wrong. When she comes to collect me, can you just tell her that I love her? Please.

Man : Won't be nothing left of you to fetch.


Black Badge Division Office

Waverly : They're talking about Dolls, guys! They're speculating that your penis is small!

Dolls : Going in just the two of you? Pretty risky.

Wynonna : There was an opening. And we would've loved some backup, but you went AWOL.

Dolls : How long have you known that Bobo is telekinetic?

Wynonna : So he can move objects with the power of his mind. I got a big shiny gun.

Dolls : Yeah, and if he can yank a necklace, why not Peacemaker?

Wynonna : I don't know. How about we get him alone and shoot him with Peacemaker, and then it won't matter? Send this prick back to hell, not have him hosting happy hour at my favourite bar.

Waverly : Hey. Literally all they're talking about is how many pints they can chug. Men are all the same, even the demonic ones. Surveillance, mucho taxing on my bladder.

Dolls : Alright, look. I'm sorry that I missed your infiltration of Shorty's, OK?

Wynonna : Nice try. I already clocked the bruises on your knuckles. Sorry I didn't tell you about stupid Bobo's stupid powers. But we are so close. OK. Bobo wanted Constance Clootie to give him some way out of the Ghost River Triangle. Some... lead.

Dolls : A lead? Like a clue?

Wynonna : Right? Who knows. Anyway, she didn't give it to him; or lied about ever having it and now he's up shit creek. So what's his new escape plan?

Dolls : Yeah, why buy Shorty's? To infiltrate the town?

Wynonna : To piss us off?

Dolls : That can be a bonus feature. But the bar does have doors that can lock and is often filled with human civilians. Human civilians who...

Wynonna : Who would freak if their designer overalls were splattered with gooey brown demon brain. Perfect cover. As long as he's in there, we can't go in hot, or... boom! Mutually assured destruction.

Dolls : Listen.



Revenant : Why we gotta be so out in the open, boss? Trailer park, we was protected.

Bobo : You don't think I'll protect you?

Revenant : No, Bobo, it's just... the heir.

Bobo : Ohh. She got Whiskey Jim, too. He ain't been seen in days.


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : What's a Whiskey Jim?

Dolls : Shh, please. I'm just trying to listen, OK? Thanks.



Cal : He's back! Bobo! He's back!

Bobo : Cal, calm your tits. Have a drink.

Cal : LOU!

Bobo : Impossible. There's no way he would cross back into my territory. We had a deal...

Cal : No, I seen this twinkie. She bore his mark. And then she… And then he... LOU!

Bobo : Goddammit! Do me a goddamn favour. All of you! Refrain from mentioning that name, because the next piece of excrement who utters it will get the Levi treatment. Hell's Gate, burning insanity, the whole nine yards. Comprende?

Revenant : What the hell, Cal?

Cal : It's this goddamn tin tooth. It picks up radio frequencies sometimes.

Bobo : What kind of frequencies? Eeny… meeny… miny… ...hoes.


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : What the hell is that?

Dolls : Yeah, we're burnt.



Bobo : Hi. It seems I'm not the only one with eyes and ears on Purgatory. Well, here's a juicy little tidbit even Deputy Marshal Dolls may not have heard: Doc Holliday has been boarding his 130 year old mustang in Wynonna Earp's ample paddock. Makes me think of bringing my own horse in for a little love. Giddy up!


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : What... Who is this Lou guy? Did you hear that? I have never heard Bobo so unsettled. Have you? I haven't. Maybe we can use him, you know? Track him down? My enemy's enemy. Perfect.

Dolls : Yeah.

Wynonna : Lou. Lou bird. Louie Luau. That's what we should concentrate on. That is the take-away here. Big time.

Dolls : Yeah. Bae, don't hurt yourself. Right, Earp? I'm gonna find some more information on this Lou guy.

Wynonna : You think he's a revenant?

Dolls : If he is, maybe we can make an agreement. Extra time up here for some more information on Bobo Del Rey, alright?

Wynonna : Where are you going now? Again?

Dolls : I'm going to go do my thing.

Wynonna : Your thing?

Dolls : Earp, please, just don't get distracted by Doc's horse.

Wynonna : There it is. Hey! Don't forget your phone.

Dolls : Thanks.

Wynonna : Yep. Shit.


Police Station

Wynonna : Why are you guys in Nedley's office?

Nicole : 'Cause when...

Waverly : Yes.

Wynonna : OK, here she blows. Uh… Doc and I slept together.

Nicole : And that's news? Really? To you, OK.

Wynonna : Really? We're both grownups.

Waverly : One of you is a little bit more grown up, don't you think?

Wynonna : Little bit.

Waverly : Why are you telling me this now?

Wynonna : It's out there. Thanks, Bobo.

Waverly : Bobo knows?

Wynonna : Yes. And Dolls.

Waverly : Uh-oh. Well, do you love Doc?

Wynonna : It was just sex, Waverly. God!

Waverly : That's not a no!



Bobo : Jim. Seems Black Badge has got themselves a rat.

Jim : Bobo, I swear. I swear I didn't tell them nothing.

Bobo : I know, Jim. But you're going to start.



Wynonna : Hey, Mister, want a ride?

Doc : Always. Wynonna Earp, the only woman so bold as to woo a man with another woman's car.

Wynonna : I thought if anyone should have it, it's you.

Doc : And exactly what am I to do with it?

Wynonna : What do you usually do with your enemy's horse? Shoot it, ride it, paint it something other than pink?

Doc : Colour is the only thing this pony has going for it. Strong, masculine.

Wynonna : Pink's traditionally a girl's colour.

Doc : Oh, how history rewrites itself. Back in my day, girls were all delicate and dainty in blues. I think you would be… very pretty in blue.

Wynonna : Everybody knows. About us. The sex.

Doc : I remember. The sex. Between us.

Wynonna : Not that there's really an "us." Dolls is on the move.

Doc : Stalking multiple men, are we?

Wynonna : Where the hell is he going?


Unkown Place

Wynonna : Oh, hey!

Dolls : You tracked me?

Wynonna : Of course not. I tracked your phone. All the way to Serial Killers Paradise, apparently. What are you doing here, Dolls?

Dolls : My job. Some of which you do not get to be privy to.

Wynonna : So I sleep with Doc and suddenly I'm on a need-to-know basis, huh?

Dolls : Come on.

Wynonna : Hey! Listen. If you're keeping things from me... important things… A lot of men have hurt me lately. Don't be one of them.

Dolls : Listen to me, no one in there is going to hurt you. OK?

Wynonna : Promise?

Dolls : Yeah. Promise.

Wynonna : Good. Still, like to check it out for myself.

Dolls : Earp, you're interfering with government business. Earp! Earp. Hey! Do not go in there. Come here. Earp! Earp, hey. EARP!


Wynonna : Holy elaborate torture shit.

Jim : The Heir.

Wynonna : Revenant scum. Should have known. How long you been here?

Jim : Well, it's kinda hard to tell. Two weeks, maybe.

Wynonna : Time moves different when you're being held against your will, doesn't it? What does Dolls want with you?

Jim : Just keeps jabbing me with his needles. Thought he'd drain me dry. Worst part is… he never asks me nothing.

Wynonna : He's not much of a talker. Me? I'm a little more chatty. You're one of Bobo's key guys, right? Tell me something: who's Lou?

Dolls : Well? Answer the woman. Answer her.

Wynonna : Yeah, Lou. So, Bobo's ex-boy-toy? Frenemy? What?

Jim : More like archenemy. Nobody tries to overthrow Bobo and lives to tell.

Wynonna : Unless Lou's a serious badass and Bobo is scared of him.

Jim : Bingo. Long time ago… like, 100 years ago… Lou and Bobo were thick as thieves. Now the only thing is, Lou had a very sadistic streak.

Wynonna : Whereas Bobo subsidized the town daycare. Go on.

Jim : Well, Lou never understood why revenants needed to hide, disguise their true nature, when we could rule. Make you meat puppets our slaves.

Wynonna : Revenant proud. Got it.

Dolls : So Bobo cast him out?

Jim : More like, Bobo ran away. When Lou left, he took something so dangerous, no one would ever try to cross him again.

Dolls : A weapon?

Jim : Something like that.

Dolls : OK. Where do we find him?

Jim : No one's seen Lou for years. Heir after heir, he never showed up. Dammit! He's in the Pine Barrens!

Wynonna : See, Jimbo. That wasn't so bad. Hmm?

Jim : No, no, ah, ah!


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : Pine Barrens. Beautiful place, hella bad rep. Big chemical spill a few years ago and then rumours that the trees are haunted, as many years back as I can remember.

Dolls : Jimmy-boy gave up Lou's locale way too quickly. He's lying.

Wynonna : He's terrified. An involuntary vacay at Club Torment will do that to you.

Dolls : My BBD superiors need a constant stream of samples.

Wynonna : You kidnapped Whiskey Jim to keep feeding the beast?

Dolls : And to see how Bobo and company got a hold of some pretty, pretty high-level Black Badge intel.

Wynonna : You think we have a mole? Do you think it's me?

Dolls : Would I have just told you if I did?

Wynonna : OK… God. This whole time you were disappearing, I thought...

Dolls : Thought what?

Wynonna : I thought you were sick. OK? I thought you were bad sick, like don't tell your friends 'cause it's gonna scare them sick. I thought you were sick! 'Cause sometimes you get sick.

Dolls : OK. Alright!

Wynonna : But you're not, so I can be pissed at you.

Dolls : Have at 'er then, geez. I'm not sick, exactly.

Wynonna : Lou's here, Dolls. Right here.

Dolls : Torture doesn't result in actionable intelligence, OK?

Wynonna : Those things are cockroaches to me...

Dolls : Don't do that. Do not do that. I saw your eyes back there. They were cold and callous. Don't get all hard and forget that you're human. That you are you.

Wynonna : I won't.

Dolls : Just remember, revenants will say anything with a ticket to Hell pressed to their forehead.

Wynonna : Those the warmest shoes you got?



Wynonna : Hear that?

Dolls : What?

Wynonna : A whole lot of nothing that'll kill you if you lose focus.

Dolls : Funny. I actually have training in hostile environment survival tactics.

Wynonna : You also grew up in Arizona.

Dolls : How'd you know that?

Wynonna : Most excited I ever saw you get was when the Cardinals beat the Cowboys.

Dolls : That was an amazing goal.

Wynonna : Look, we stay in each other's sights at all times. Stay hydrated, but don't get anything wet. Watch the UV rays. Killer when they bounce off snow.

Dolls : Sylvan dread.

Wynonna : Who what now?

Dolls : Also known as hylophobia. It's an intense fear of the woods.

Wynonna : Awesome. Let's do this!



Waverly : Where'd you get that?

Doc : A vexing present from Wynonna.

Waverly : You two knocked boots, now she's giving you gifts?

Doc : Please! A gentleman always removes his boots.

Waverly : Ew!

Doc : Your childish attitude on the matter is noted.

Waverly : It's your attitude that I'm worried about. This whole "relationship" is a train wreck waiting to happen. I mean, what will the team do when you two implode?

Doc : Wynonna and I are not in a relationship. Sex alone a relationship does not make.

Waverly : Again, ew.

Doc : I do not kiss and tell, especially with a lady friend's little sister. What's important is: why did she give me a car?

Waverly : OK, so you're just gonna smash this thing to bits 'cause it feels good?

Doc : Well, unless you've got a better suggestion.

Waverly : You could learn to drive. Just an idea.

Doc : Indeed.



Wynonna : OK. I think Whiskey Jim might've been pulling my boob. Silver dreads?

Dolls : Let's just say: I lost people, once, amongst the trees.

Wynonna : What people?

Dolls : What a racket! What are they singing?

Wynonna : Funeral dirge.

Dolls : Earp! Earp! Earp! Earp!

Wynonna : Dolls? Sun's gonna start heading down. We should head back.

Dolls : It's too soon!

Wynonna : Dolls?

Dolls : Wynonna?

Wynonna : Dolls, are you getting this?

Dolls : Earp, if you're messing with me, I...

Wynonna : Xavier! Xavier! Xavier!

Dolls : Wynonna, where are you?

Wynonna : I'm here, silly. Look at it.

Dolls : I am!

Wynonna : It's beautiful, Dolls. Come on!



Wynonna : Oh, shit. I'm dead, aren't I?

Margot : You have been reborn, and soon you will meet Yiska.

Wynonna : Cool. Anybody got an Advil? Or something.

Eve : Who are you?

Wynonna : Courtney. You must be Yiska.

Eve : My name is Eve. This is Margo.

Yiska : I'm the one you seek. Have you come to us seeking liberation from the mind control of their radio waves and phone towers?

Wynonna : Have I! Uh-huh. You guys were not easy to find without Google Maps.

Eve : So this isn't yours?

Wynonna : An evil I'll be glad to do without. Yeah. Totally didn't need that.

Yiska : I sense darkness in you. Deceit.

Wynonna : And usually a pint or two.

Eve : You yourself say the light never lies. It chose her.

Wynonna : Yeah, the light! That was… warm.

Yiska : You are safe here, amongst your sisters.

Wynonna : 'K. What are you?

Yiska : Those that need to be led seek me out and I give them guidance.

Wynonna : I don't follow very well. I'd say I'm more of a fighter.

Yiska : We have room for those as well. Your bath is ready.

Wynonna : My... my bath? What the fudge? Oh, yeah. Awesome. Do I just… Nope? OK. Woo! Spa vibe. Here I go! It's hot! So... relaxing.


Wynonna : Did you burn the rest of my stuff? Even the stuff that wasn't, you know, flammable?

Eve : Like a thing that goes around your waist?

Wynonna : Maybe...

Eve : Guns are the devil's teeth.

Wynonna : Oh, but shiny though, right?

Eve : You mock me.

Wynonna : No... no, I'm not. You're right. Guns ruin lives. I only shoot bad guys. That's the point of... me. Of it.

Eve : How can you tell the good from the bad?

Wynonna : Um... the good ones are usually scared. But they push past the fear, you know? And they do what's right, even when it hurts. Even when every instinct is telling them to do nothing, to survive. And the good ones are hotter.


Margot : We found him out by the ridge. Had to zap him three times before he calmed down.

Yiska : We are a peace-loving people.

Dolls : Yet holding me hostage can be interpreted as an act of terrorism!

Yiska : Take this upstairs. Who knew we would be blessed with so many visitors today.


Wynonna : Is Yiska his real name?

Eve : Course not. He says there are outsiders who don't understand our commune, even fear us. Fear him.

Wynonna : Do you? What's Yiska going to do with that man?

Eve : He won't last long in the hole.

Wynonna : Sounds less than five-star.

Eve : The root cellar, behind the greenhouse. That's where you'll sleep. I sleep here. Don't worry though, I don't snore.

Wynonna : Me neither, unless there's bourbon involved. Uh... bedpan?

Eve : Unless you want to go search for the outhouse in the night.

Wynonna : Hard pass.

Eve : My first night here, I sobbed into my pillow. Soaked it right through. Jen came and gave me a handkerchief and some hot chocolate. She didn't say anything, she just gave it to me. It sounds insignificant, but it made all the difference.

Wynonna : Where's Jen now?

Eve : Once you are driven away, there's no coming back.

Wynonna : Did Yiska ever mention someone named Bobo?

Eve : Bobo? That can't possibly be a real person. There. You're all set. I feel a real connection with you, Courtney.

Wynonna : Yeah, ditto. Sorry! I hope that was clean!


Wynonna : Hi. Brought you a blankie.

Dolls : What took you so long?

Wynonna : The mani-pedis here are incredible.

Dolls : What happened to you?

Wynonna : Saw a weird light, blacked out, woke up in a creepy chapel.

Dolls : Yeah, you saw those creepy crows?

Wynonna : Mondays, amiright? Come on!

Dolls : So, have you got eyes on Lou?

Wynonna : His acolytes call him Yiska.

Dolls : That's a Navajo name.

Wynonna : Well, what's their word for "sleazy demon pervert"? They think he's some kind of benevolent leader.

Dolls : Typical brainwashing. Any word on a weapon that could scare Bobo?

Yiska : Bobo. That narcissist finally figure out that his stupid fur coat won't protect him?

Eve : Who in the world is this "Bobo"?

Wynonna : A common enemy.

Yiska : I have no enemies… that are in anything… but pieces.


Dolls : So what do you think? Sacrifice?

Wynonna : Or a seriously off-the-hook bat mitzvah.

Yiska : You have betrayed the peaceful people of this place. You are no longer welcome.

Dolls : Just like you weren't welcome back in Purgatory, huh?

Wynonna : My name is Wynonna Earp. I come from a long line of Earps who have been hunting down the likes of your leader for decades.

Yiska : The Heir?

Eve : Seriously, Yiska, what is going on?

Yiska : Fate. Irony. And inevitably, boredom. Let's get this show on the road, shall we, Eve?

Eve : May you find safe passage.

Dolls : So that's it? We're free to go?

Yiska : I wouldn't put it that way.



Wynonna : Oh, what a night. Does anybody have a phone? No? Don't all answer at once.


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : Eve must have convinced them to drop me in the middle of town to look into this. Voicemail... which Dolls never listens to because he says it's antiquated. Yo, dummy, stop being a dingus and call me back. And please be OK, also.

Waverly : Are you alright there? What's that?

Wynonna : It's like Sharpie. It won't come off. Find anything?

Waverly : Every single girl on this list? Found dead, scattered around the Ghost River Triangle. Autopsies say that they were toyed with and then killed by animals that had gone rogue.

Wynonna : Rabies?

Waverly : No. Just... torture. Like, every single bone in their body broken, their skin licked off.

Wynonna : This is why I don't do pets.

Waverly : Have you seen the last word on the list?

Wynonna : Yeah. "Help." Eve and the rest of those girls are still out there.

Waverly : With lunatic Lou.

Wynonna : Delinquents and runaways. I mean, it could have just as easily been me back then, got sucked into this asshat's scheme. Whiskey Jim said he has a weapon.

Waverly : So do you. A big gun.

Wynonna : Which I lost it in the Pine Barrens.

Waverly : What?!

Wynonna : Along with my partner. Why is he not back yet?

Waverly : Maybe they didn't drop him in Purgatory.

Wynonna : Which means he's alone. In the woods. Which he hates. Shit!


Wynonna : Hey.

Nicole : OK, so where were we? Because I seem to think it was something about, like, candles, you trying to get me into a sexy black dress... Something's wrong.

Waverly : A lot of things might be wrong. Dolls and Wynonna and her gun...

Nicole : What is the deal with that gun anyway?

Woman : We have reports of a pink, four-doored sedan driving erratically on highway 81. Please respond.

Waverly : Did she say pink?



Dolls : Earp! Earp! Wynonna! Oh, shit. Oh, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Yeah! Here we go. Let's go. Come on! One, two, three. Alright. Stay cool. Stay cool. Yes. Right. Freezing my ass off. OK. Keys, keys, keys, keys. OK, baby. Gimme. Come on. Go. Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on, heat, let's go. Oh, damn. I really hope you're not as hungry as you look. Hey! Alright. OK! Nice doggie. Nice doggie. This... is not good.



Doc : Hey...

Nicole : You're doing 140 in a 50 zone. Licence and registration?

Doc : Well, it's me, Officer Haught. And I have neither of those things.

Nicole : Oh, boy.

Waverly : How about an explanation, huh?

Doc : If there is any kindness in you, you will arrest me, and quick.

Nicole : Sorry there, Stone Cold. Not getting off so easy.



Wynonna : Dolls? DOLLS! How could you just disappear? That's impossible. What am I talking about? I disappeared. DOLLS!

Dolls : The wolf will hear us.

Wynonna : You're alive. What wolf?

Dolls : Sh. Looking for this?

Wynonna : And here I thought you were just happy to see me. Oh, I have missed you! Oh, you're freezing. Oh, that wolf.

Dolls : Oh, yeah. Let's go. Wrong way, Earp. Where are you going?

Wynonna : To save the hippie chicks.

Dolls : From what?

Wynonna : The weapon!



Waverly : So where do you think you're going?

Doc : I thought I'd visit my Mama's grave in Valdosta. 'Bout time, I reckon.

Waverly : Bullshit. You're headed northeast.

Doc : I have vanquished my enemy. I have taken her horse. I am finished here, Waverly.

Waverly : This was your plan the whole time.

Doc : No, this was your plan. You told me to learn to drive.

Waverly : I didn't mean leave Purgatory without a word!

Doc : I do hate goodbyes.

Waverly : Look, we need you, OK? She needs you.

Doc : Well, she has Dolls.

Waverly : Can't you at least try? I mean, I'm trying with Nicole.

Doc : Difference is, she adores you back.



Eve : What are you doing?

Yiska : The world we worked so hard to create has been sullied by outsiders. We must disband. Become pure. Then we can begin to rebuild.

Margot : You are so great and wise.

Eve : Sisters, he's lying...

Yiska : Always so high and mighty. Your impurity was poison to us all… Eve.


Wynonna : The women cast out from the cult were devoured by an animal!

Dolls : Of course. The wolf, the crow. Get it?

Wynonna : Not even a little.

Dolls : Yiska. In Navajo mythology there are humans that can take the form of animals. Skinwalkers.

Wynonna : We're a long way from Navajo territory.

Dolls : Yeah, but smack in the middle of the Ghost River Triangle.

Wynonna : It would explain how Lou managed to protect himself against Bobo's vengeance. How did you find this place again? I had to get freaky with a warm light.

Dolls : Please. I'm a walking GPS. I pinged that shit.

Wynonna : Nice.


Eve : You came back.

Wynonna : You watched me take a bath. That shit bonds for life.

Eve : I knew our connection was real.

Wynonna : Totes. You wanna tell me about this shitty face paint?

Eve : They mark all those who are prey. And Yiska marked us all, before he left.

Wynonna : What a prince.

Margot : He will rise again to make us clear once more!

Eve : God, you're such a moron. He cast us out, Margo. He lied to us. When we leave here, we die.

Wynonna : Hey. I didn't.

Dolls : Earp, I think we just lured the Skinwalker back to a whole bunch of free-range dinners. Hey. Can you find him?

Eve : Cowards always have an escape route. And sometimes… a snowmobile.

Dolls : Okay. Earp, go with Eve. The only way to stop this Skinwalker is to sever its ties with its captor, OK?

Wynonna : So, kill Lou's revenant ass? Yeah. Business as usual. Come on.

Dolls : Alright, ladies. Up the stairs. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!


Eve : This way!


Dolls : Now! Come on!


Eve : Yiska, stop!

Wynonna : Lou!

Eve : What are you? A devil?

Yiska : I'm a god! I have outlived three Heirs. Bitch here makes it four.

Wynonna : You can't hide from me. Or this.

Yiska : Who said anything about hiding?

Wynonna : Bear! Big bear! Bear!

Yiska : Sayonara, bitches.

Wynonna : Eve, the gun!

Eve : It won't stop the bear!

Wynonna : Not the bear! Just the asshole! AH! Eve! Eve!

Woman : Thank you.

Eve : What the hell was that?

Wynonna : The impossible.


Police Station

Dolls : So I found an old photo in Waverly's research, of Lou's first wife. Her name was Tadewi. She was a horse whisperer of sorts and there were whispers about her. Lou was likely using her as a weapon for over 100 years. An actual Skinwalker. Seems like the Ghost River Triangle is playing host to a whole realm of supernatural phenomenon. This… This is huge. She didn't remember anything since Lou found her, huh?

Wynonna : Uh-uh.

Dolls : Yeah. Prolonged psychological trauma can cause amnesia. She may have been brainwashed. Or...she's lying.

Wynonna : She's not lying. We thought she was dead.

Dolls : Wynonna...

Wynonna : We gave up. We stopped looking for her.

Dolls : Wynonna. We don't know anything for sure. There could be 1000 reasons why Peacemaker worked in her hand, you hear me?

Wynonna : Or there's one.


Wynonna : Eve? Come on. You're coming home with me.



Waverly : Hey. So, listen, you gave Doc a car and… Well, the thing is that when you give someone a car...

Wynonna : Not now. It's alright. This is one of the women we helped today. I said she could crash here for a while. Waverly, this is...

Gus : Would you girls kindly get your butts in here and… Willa.

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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