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Exodus 1/2 citations

Ellen : Saul, I want you to knom I’ll do anything for you


Tyrol : The list. Cally is on the list. There gonna kill her


Sharon : Go Panthers !

Sammy : C-Bucks rule !

Sharon : Hey Sam. It’s been a while.

Sammy : Funny, I feel like I see you everyday.

Zarek : It’s have been a while since I have a woman throw me to the ground. Not quite as much fun as I remember.


Chief : We're going home. Admiral Adama's o­n his way. We're getting off this rock. We're going back to Galactica


Gaius : I had the most fascinating chat with o­ne of the Dorals. He's got this theory about sanitation being the key to regaining human trust and confidence. Something about toilet paper. No, lack of toilet paper, that's it. If people could o­nly wipe their bums properly, there'd be a measurable uptick in the polls.


Oracle: I have a message for you from the o­ne you worship. He speaks through me to you just as he speaks in your dreams. The message is... the fruit born of two peoples is alive. A child named after the wife and sister of the all-knowing Zeus. Hera lives.

Numéro 3: That's not true. The child is dead.

Oracle: You will hold her in your arms, and you'll know for the first time what it is to feel true love. But you'll lose everything you've done here.


Dualla: Take care of the Admiral?

Helo: Take care of his son.


Racetrack : "Their enemies will divide them. Their colonies broken in the fiery chasm of space. Their shining days renounced by a multitude of dark sacrifices. Yet still they will remain always together."


Number 3 : Everybody dreams Doc.


Doral: Don't lose hope. Worst comes to worst, we can always nuke the city and be done with it.


Laura : She may very well be the shape of things to come. That's either a blessing or a curse.


Lieutenant Mathias : No Pegasus. Just Galactica.


Adama: This is the Admiral. You've heard the news. You know the mission. You should also know there's o­nly o­ne way that this mission ends. And that's with the successful rescue of our people o­n New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces. For o­ne day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together you accomplished a feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as o­nly the Gods o­nce knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting.

Ecrit par lealoeu 
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